Guano Organic Fertilizer News

Unprecedented Demand for Granular & Liquid Fertilisers Being Met By Kismet-Guano

Supply is no issue for Guano Australia - our locally Australian manufactured guano liquid gold products have a price advantage versus many imported products.

Leading Australian fertiliser company Guano Australia is working seven days a week to meet unprecedented farmer demand for its premium fertiliser products, which has spiked after recent rains and import shortages.

Kismet-Guano Group CEO John Jashar and family thanked farmers from around the country for their overwhelming response and said he was humbled by all the orders coming in.

Many Aussie farmers have turned to the locally manufactured guano liquid gold fertiliser range after events such as the global Covid-19 pandemic and Hurricane Ida in the US, which have impacted commercial chemical fertiliser supply chains and production costs around the world. 

Add to that, rising gas prices and a global shipping crisis triggered by the pandemic that has shipping containers backing up at Australian and world ports, it is becoming more expensive for companies to produce and transport their goods which is pushing up import prices.

“Due to high demand, we are working seven days a week to cope as farmers now see our locally Australian manufactured guano liquid gold products have a price advantage versus many imported products,” Mr Jashar said.

However, he said many Aussie farmers who were leaving their fertiliser purchases until the last minute could be in for a shock, with dwindling global supply chains causing supply issues, delays and higher prices.

Guano Australia has plenty of premium liquid organic fertiliser in stock because the Certified Organic Guano Liquid Gold and Guano Liquid Gold-KMS range of products are made right here in Australia and are immune to international supply delays.

“Product shortage doesn’t have to have an impact on Aussie farmers because we are meeting demand with quality, organic product. Supply is no issue for us. Our liquid range of fertiliser products are a part of all ‘Farming Fertiliser Programs’,” Mr Jashar said.

The businessman, who was raised on his family's orchards in Shepparton, Victoria, and has spent most of his life in agriculture and horticulture, as well as food and beverage production, is a firm believer in the need for Australia to manufacture more of its own products to reduce the reliance on imports.

Guano Australia has been supplying premium organic Guano Gold fertiliser products for 30 years. The head office is on the Sunshine Coast in Queensland and there are distribution warehouses in capital cities around the country. The company sells to farmers and a valued, specialist dealer network across Australia, as well as supplying the retail market through Bunnings stores via Richgro.  

Mr Jashar said Guano Liquid Gold and Guano Liquid Gold/KMS were unique products that delivered rapidly available Phosphorus, Calcium, and Potassium in one, as well as Silica and Carbon to help soil biology and cation exchange and had trace elements including Magnesium and Sulphur. 

“It’s a soil conditioner and fertiliser in one!” he said. “It offers flexible timing of application, excellent plant nutrient availability is easy to mix and the quick plant response equals increased productivity.”

Michael Nagorcka, Director of Waltanna Farms in Victoria, has been using Guano Australia products for 15 years and has been constantly impressed by the results.

“All of the products, including the guano gold – both granular and foliar – have been outstanding, especially the Granular KMS and the Guano Sulphur Gold down the tube at sowing has given us a really good strike rate as far as germination and bigger early and the foliar spray plays an integral part when our crop’s up in full flag.

“We do two applications of the Guano Sulphur Gold and the KMS together at full flag and then at flowering. That goes on oats, wheat, barley, flaxseed, and chickpeas.”

Mr Nagorcka said he was swayed to try the products because of their organic status and competitive pricing, as well as how easy it was to mix into a specialised brew with worm castings and other inputs. It was also important to him to maintain soil health and rigour and protect the soil for the next generation.

“I’d have to say that John has been very proactive and ahead of the game. He’s always been a forward thinker as far as supply commodity and customers being looked after.”

Mr Nagorcka said it was reassuring to know that there were no supply issues to impact his cropping plans coming into next season.

“Unless you’ve got the product, you can’t go forward. You want to be assured you’ve got it on the shelf and ready to go,” he said.

Farmer Dale Frankel said he loves using Guano Liquid Gold in its liquid form and doesn’t add anything else.

“The response I had this year using the Guano Liquid Gold was great. I had been using microbial inputs with home brew types of gear to balance the soil out.

“The growth was very ordinary at the start and just two weeks after using Guano Liquid Gold, I did see a huge response. The difference was just really quite dramatic because it didn’t even seem to have the plant population there in the first place and they just bulked up. 

“It looked pretty bleak early on because I was even deciding at one point whether to cut it and I thought it might be better to just leave it and let it seed down for next year because I didn’t think it was going to be thick enough to cut.

“I fertilised one strip twice and it was noticeably better again. It’s great stuff.”

To learn more about our full range of Guano Australia products suitable for your farm, to place an order or find your local distributor click on the button below.

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Being so far away from our markets, durability is critical and the Silica is really good in terms of hardening up the skin and making the melons better to transport.Ord River WA irrigator David Menzel-Barradale
The problem with many organic fertilisers is that they have very low rates of nutrients, meaning you need to put out high rates. A product like Guano Gold has 12pc P, whereas Guano Sulphur Gold has 10.5pc P, obviously with additional sulphur. These figures compare very favourably with something like a single superphosphate product. Agronomically, it’s a good product in any setting, not just for organic producers.Garry Allison, Landmark Agronomist. Mount Gambier, SA
For the broadacre croppers, Guano Gold works really well in paddocks where they have had issues with nutrient tie-up. He said the majority of synthetic P products have large rates of water soluble P. The problem with that is that you can have instances where it ends up tying up zinc in the soil so you run into problems with zinc deficiencies. Not only does the slow release nature of the Guano Gold product work well over the entire season, it also contains zinc for the crop as well as the other nutrients.Moree agronomist Rob Drewitt
We strongly recommend the Guano Gold products to fellow farmers if they are looking at improving their Calcium and Silica levels using various methods of application such as foliar and granular.James and Aimee Thomas Falkirk Macadamia Farm
I have recommended Guano Gold products for 20 years and in all cases had excellent long-term results increasing in pasture productivity.Paul Baguely - PB Ag Consulting
They are high analysis products so you get your nutrients without having to put too much fertiliser out.Anthony Beutel, Googa Farm Organics
We have known since the 1930s that phosphorus is one of the main elements required to grow a successful crop of not just the (flax) plant but the seed. It was one of those products that was first out in a granular type form and it was so much easier to get an even coverage over the ground, rather than a powder form. Later on the product became a little more refined, so we could put it through our air-seeder. We also broadcast some of it, prior to seeding, when we are cultivating ground. The products have great characteristics in relation to phosphate and silica, which is exactly what we need for flax.Waltanna Farms flax-seed farmer & Ambassador for Guano Australia, Michael Nagorcka

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