Fertiliser - Guano Gold-Kwik Start® features & benefits
- 80% Citrate Soluble P.
- Fast & slow release of Phosphorus.
- 13.6% Total P.
- 32.9% Calcium.
- 23.8% Silica.
- 8.6% Organic Carbon.
- Full range of trace elements.
- High CEC; 129Me/100g.
- Bulk Density, 1.5 MT per m3.
- Granulated (2-5mm) easy to handle & spread through all planters airseeders, combines & stool splitters.
- 30m Spread Rate.
- Minimal cadmium & mercury content.
- Suitable for blending with all other types of fertilisers (except urea).
- Performs very well agronomically.
- Environmentally friendly.
- Natural Organic Product.
- Australian Organic Registered Farm Input 309.
- No odour guano organic fertilizer.
Farming Fertiliser Applications
- Bananas
- Broadacre, cereals and other winter / summer crops
- Citrus and tropical fruit
- Cotton
- Forestry
- Fruit & vegetables
- Olives
- Ornamental
- Pasture, beef, dairy and sheep
- Rice
- Sugar
- Turf
- Viticulture
- Dry Lick and Stock Feeds

Guano Fertiliser Custom Blending
In order to meet customer demand, Madura Guano Gold-Kwik Start® organic fertiliser is successfully included as an important component in a full range of organic, bio-dynamic and conventional custom blends.
With ever changing markets, customer needs for chemical free / low chemical inputs, Madura Guano Gold-Kwik Start® is now meeting these huge pure farming fertiliser market niches.
100% Natural Organic Phosphatic Fertiliser & Soil Conditioner
Madura Guano Gold-Kwik Start® is a valuable resource which reforms the structure and function of soil, as well as being one of the world’s most valuable, high phosphorus fertilisers. There is no chance of salinization and damage to plant growth by Madura Guano Gold-Kwik Start®, so it is a very safe product to use.
Madura Guano Gold-Kwik Start® is an organic fertiliser composed of di-calcium phosphate layers which have been generated by interaction of the remains of coral, sea birds, fish and seaweed, as the land gradually rose over many thousands of years.
Madura Guano Gold-Kwik Start® contains coral calcium, which is a chief component of coral reefs and phosphoric and silicic acids which come from the droppings of sea birds and the remains of fish and seaweed, together with various minerals which are shown in our comprehensive analysis.
Technical & Service
The combination of the available citrate soluble / fast and slow release of Phosphorus, is a unique Madura Guano Gold® feature. This, combined with calcium, silica, high CEC, organic carbon and many other trace elements in Madura Guano Gold-Kwik Start®, is now recognised and as such, farmers and growers are enjoying excellent farming fertiliser results.
Madura Guano Gold-Kwik Start® is one of the best fertiliser products available on the market, it has been successfully applied and given excellent results on acid, neutral and alkaline soils across Australia. In order to achieve these results, it is extremely important for farmers and growers to embrace the real importance of working towards creating a balance in their soils and adding the correct cost effective nutrient inputs.
Guano Australia is very active in supporting customers with independent soil testing, backed up by trained agronomists, horticulturists and viticulturists providing a full range of technical advisory services in addition to developing the best guano fertiliser products for sale Australia-wide.