P: 12.6% Ca: 27.5% Si: 28.4% S: 16.2%
Phosphorus - Calcium - Silica - Sulphur
Guano Sulphur Gold® is in PEAK Demand Right Now. Secure yours NOW!
Better Yields, This Season and Next
Guano Sulphur Gold® is the Gold Standard
Is Guano Sulphur Gold® Right For You?
You want greater yields
Your soil is dense and lifeless
You want richer, more fragrant soil
You want stronger, healthy crops
You need to revamp tired Paddocks fields or pastures
You’ve fertilised in the past without the advice from a professional agronomist
You want all round production protection for your precious soil
For Decades Guano Gold® products have created big gains for Aussie Farmers
“Exceeds Conventionally Grown Crops”
“Guano Gold® products have enabled Waltanna Farms to continually lift its Organic production to a point where it meets or exceeds that of
conventionally grown crops,
doing this in an Organic or
Bio Dynamic way is very Rewarding
and Achievable.”
Michael Nagorcka, Waltanna Farms
“30% increase in crop yield in 12 months”
“In (12 months) plant growth has improved with vibrant flowers and stronger strokes. There was a 30% increase in crop yield, improved quality of tomatoes and the crop was also picked for a month longer.”
John Costa, Costa Tomatoes
“Very useful to allow some plant available P later in the growing season”
“(When) you can see a lot of nutrient leaching... having a product such as Guano Gold®, with its split
release of P, is very useful to allow some plant available P later in the growing season. Guano Sulphur Gold® has 12.6% P, obviously with additional 11.0% elemental sulphur.”
Garry Allison, Agronomist
Our Agronomists Get to the Root(s) of Your Problems
Guano Sulphur Gold® has been specially developed by dedicated agronomists to restore balance to your soil. In fact, our team is constantly innovating, and overcoming soil imbalances in farms across Australia – creating healthier, more sustainable land. End your costly dependence on high concentrate synthetic fertilisers that simply “run off” and go for GOLD® this season.
Order your Guano Sulphur Gold® NOW!
Your farm’s performance could change with one simple phone call.
Isn’t it worth the chat?
FertiliZer - GUANO Sulphur Gold® Features & Benefits
- 90% Citrate Soluble P.
- Fast & slow release of Phosphorus.
- 12.6% Total P.
- 11.0% Elemental Sulphur.
- 26.2% Calcium.
- 24.8% Silica.
- 0.4% Zinc.
- 8.6% Organic Carbon.
- Full range of trace elements.
- High CEC; 129Me/100g.
- Bulk Density, 1.5 MT per m3.
- Granulated (2-5mm) easy to handle & spread through all planters airseeders, combines & stool splitters.
- 30m Spread Rate.
- Minimal cadmium & mercury content.
- Suitable for blending with all other types of fertilisers (except urea).
- Performs very well agronomically.
- Environmentally friendly.
- Natural Organic Product.
- Australian Organic Registered Farm Input 309.
- No odour guano organic fertilizer.
natural FertiliSer Applications
Airseeder & Spreader, Tested & Proven
- Bananas
- Broadacre - cereals and other winter / summer crops
- Citrus and tropical fruit
- Cotton
- Forestry
- Fruit and vegetables
- Olives
- Ornamental
- Pulse Crops
- Pasture - Beef, dairy and sheep
- Rice
- Sugar
- Turf
- Viticulture
In all types of:
- Horticulture and agriculture
100% Natural Organic Phosphorus FertiliZer & Soil Conditioner
Environmentally-friendly and certified for use in both organic and biodynamic farming, Madura Guano Sulphur Gold® granulated airseeder friendly fertiliser is one of the best farming fertilisers for sustainable and productive cropping. It contains 4 elements that are essential for your cereal, cotton, pulse, pasture programmes and more.
12.6% Phosphorus is provided in 90% citric and 10% non-citric form providing a drip feed supply of Phosphorus throughout the growing season. The Phosphorus in the granule is in the form of a Di Calcium Phosphate and when this reacts with weak solutions of acid in the soil, soluble phosphate and calcium are released and these nutrients become available for plant uptake. To aid this process, at planting the naturally occurring silica in the granule reacts with water to form mono silica acid which in turn assists with the breakdown of the Di Calcium Phosphate. The non-citric soluble Phosphorus becomes available at higher concentrations of acidity in the root zone and, this acidity produced in part by root exudates in the maturing plant.
11% Elemental Sulphur in the elemental form and mineralises to provide a slow release of Sulphur for the entire growing season without leaching or being lost to the atmosphere as a gas. Sulphur allows the plant to efficiently uptake nitrogen and in legumes allows nitrogen fixation. Apart from supplying nutrients directly to the plant elemental Sulphur, by conversion in the soil, to Sulphuric Acid reacts with the naturally occurring Calcium Carbonate to produce plant available Calcium. This Calcium can then be used by the plant and or to assist in displacing Sodium, for this Sodium can then be leached from the soil.
24.8% Silica in the form of a mono Silica Acid is taken up by the plant with water uptake and is deposited in the cell walls. This gives the plant a considerable increase in stem strength while providing a mechanical barrier to both fungal infection and water loss. Like Sulphur, Silica has a function in the soil chemistry as well as the plant. Free Silica in the soil will displace Phosphorus that is bound to Iron liberating plant available Phosphorous while producing an Iron Silicate.
26.2% Calcium in the form of Di Calcium Phosphate. The organic fertilizer's Calcium benefits are taken into the plant with water. Calcium is necessary for cell development. Research shows Calcium uptake begins 5 days after seed hydration therefore available Calcium at the seed is essential. Without good calcium levels, plants cannot use Nitrogen efficiently.